Kindergarten 1 Syllabus
- Rote counting 1-100
- Identify number symbols 1-25
- Associate numbers with quantity 1-25
- Introduction to zero
- Writing numeral 0-25
- Match numbers and objects 0-25
- Backward counting
- Addition and subtraction through rhymes and games
- Count aloud in ones or twos
- Identify before and after numbers
- Identifying missing numbers
Number Concepts
- Matching & sorting by more than one attribute
- Recognize & recreate simple patterns
- Able to seriate more than 2 objects/pictures
- fast & slow, heavy & light, few and many
- Use language such as ‘more’ or ‘less’ to compare two numbers
Color, Shape and Space
- Introduction to primary colors
- The color wheel
- Mixing colors to get new colors- green, orange and purple
- Shades of colors
- Black and white
- 2-dimensional shapes-triangle, circle, square, rectangle, semicircle, oval, star and diamond
- Use language- left &right, top & bottom, far & near, up & down, above & below
- Find items from positional or directional clues
- Measure using familiar objects like blocks, spoons, cups
- Estimate how many objects they can see and check by counting them
- Days of the week
- Months of the year
- Introduction to calendar
- Use time-related words in conversation
Listening Skills
- Link sounds to letters
- Understand and enjoy short stories and non-fiction texts
- Listening to and acting on instructions, question & explanation
Speaking Skills
- Begin to frame short, simple sentences with the high frequency words
- Use spoken language to share experiences through show and tell
- Have confidence to speak to others about their own wants and interests
- Explore the meaning and sounds of new words
- Narrating short stories & incidents
Reading Skills
- Recognizing letters A-Z and their phonic sounds
- Associate upper case & lower case letters
- Sight read some high frequency words
- Recognition of initial sounds of words
- Read short, simple text with help
- Know that print carries meaning and, in English, is read from left to right and top to bottom
Writing Skills
- Writing of small letters a- z
- Tracing shapes, patterns, letters, numbers in sand and air
- Begin to use written language to recreate real life experiences during indoor integrated play (writing corner)
- Begin to explore creative writing through Journal writing
- Seasons and weather-build understanding of the main seasons in India, lightening, thunder andrainbow, rainy creatures, the water cycle, uses and purification of water, conservation of water, floating and sinking
- Trees and forest- exploring trees and wild animals. Habitat and eating habits. Forest conservation and jungle safari
- All about me- examining self and human body. What I can do with my body. the external and internal body parts. Germs and safety habits
- My home and family- name and role of family members. Our responsibilites towards them.Recognizing features of a home.Naming objects associated with rooms
- Bugs and insects- introduction to some common insects and some harmful ones. Observe features like legs, bodies, wings and eyes.Where insects are found?hoe do nsects move? How to prevent spread pf disease?
- Life cycle -butterfly
- All about flowers and garden- introduction to common flowers around us: orchid, rose, marigold, lotus, sunflower and hibiscus.Observing parts of a flower and how flowers grow.Uses and importance of flowers.
- Transport-air ,water ,road, and construction vehicles.Road safety.Explore similarities and differences amongst different modes of transport – cars and bicycles, trains, airplanes. Explore how they work, safety rules, and pollution and the environment
- Ocean and ocean animals-understading names of the oceans and fetures like, waves, tides and tsunami.Explore whay oceans are salty and blue.All about ocean creatures and marine world
- Birds of prey and flightless birds- understanding the term birds of Prey. Observing features of birds os prey and types of these birds.
- Community helpers – understanding the role of people who help us. Who are these people and how they help.Our responsibility towards them
- Festivals and celebrations – Explore and understand different cultures by celebrating various festivals like Ganesh Chathurti, Diwali, Christmas, Holi etc
Fine Motor
- Use a pencil and hold it effectively to form recognizable letters and numbers, most of which are correctly formed
- Begin to use anticlockwise movement, retrace lines
- Explore and handle tools, objects, construction, malleable materials safely and with increasing control
Gross Motor
- Experiment with different ways of moving
- Jump off an object and land appropriately
- Move with control and coordination
- Construct with large materials such as cartons, fabric and planks
- Use increasing control over an object, such as a ball, by touching, pushing, patting, throwing, catching or kicking it
Health & Hygiene
- Show some understanding that good practices with regard to exercise, eating
- sleeping and hygiene can contribute to good health
- Express and communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings using a wide range of materials
- Explore and create new colours, textures. Choose particular colours to use for a purpose
- Use materials creatively
- Create constructions, collages, painting and drawings
Music & Movement
- Recognize and explore sounds
- Sing simple songs from memory
- Begin to move rhythmically
- Explore creative movement through music, dance and role play
- Express needs and feelings in appropriate ways
- Maintain attention, concentrate, and sit quietly when appropriate
- Select and use activities and resources independently
- Practice good self-care
- Appreciate the need for hygiene and manage own personal hygiene
- Is aware and begins to care for the environment
- Value playing with other children and join in shared play. Participate in small group situations
- Take turns and share
- Play alongside children engaged in the same theme
- Is conscious of and curious about sex differences
- Consider the consequences of their words and actions
Kindergarten 2 Syllabus
- Rote counting 100 and beyond
- Identify number symbols 0-100
- Associates and matches the numbers to objects
- Counts irregular arrangements of numbers
- Writing numeral 1-100
- Backward counting
- Begins simple addition (single digits only) through games, word problems & other practical activities
- Count aloud in twos, fives and tens till 100(skip counting)
- Identify ’before’, ’after’ and ’in between’ numbers
- Begins to write number names ’one’ ” two” till ten.
- Wide and narrow, above and below, near and far ,rough and smooth, odd and even &many and few, front and back
- Full, half, quarter and empty
- Color, shape and space
- Mixing colors to create more colors; primary and secondary through the color wheel
- Sequence colors by their hues, tints (light to dark)
- Begin to use mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3D shapes and mathematical terms to describe shapes-semi circle, oval ,star, diamond, sphere, cylinder and pyramid
- Find items from positional or directional clues.
- Use everyday language related to time; order and sequence familiar events, and measure short periods of time with a non-standard unit, e.g. with a sand timer
- Introduction to clocks
Listening skills
- Listening to a second language and identifying sounds
- Listening and identifying beginning, middle and ending sounds
Speaking skills
- Speaking with correct pronunciation, intonation and stress
- Recite simple rhymes, songs, days of the week, months of the year, names of fruits and vegetables
- Uses conversation skills to gain attention and also uses action rather than talk to demonstrate or explain to others
- Consistently develops a simple story
Reading skills
- Sight read a set of 20 high frequency words
- Sight reading simple phrases and sentences through readers
- Learning to blend the letter together and decode a word
- Reading three letter words with word families (an, at, et, en etc.)
- Continue a rhyming string
- Associate upper case & lower case letters
- Recognition of initial, middle and ending sounds of words
- Reading simple books, recognize name of the book, name of author etc
Writing skills
- Writing of capital and small letters a-z
- Writing 3 letter words and beginning, middle and ending letters by associating with sounds
- Writing word from the word family.
- Writes their own names and other things such as labels and captions
- Write singular and plural words
- Writing opposite words
- Writing short sentences associated with pictures
- Creative writing through Journal writing
- About myself, my school and friends-knowledge about my body – features, likes and dislikes what I can do with my body. Name of school, and it�s location, names and roles of people. Names of friends, knowledge about my favorite things and the favorite activities of my friends. Manage feelings and emotions
- All about the neighborhood- notices differences between features of the local environment- a look at buildings, parks, roads etc. Understand the postal service, the role of a mason and how a home is constructed. Modes of transport and role of a traffic police. Other community helpers like doctors and emergency workers
- Living and non-living things- animals, plants, flowers and life cycles of frog and butterfly and the various conditions required for them to grow
- Extinct and endangered animals- understand that some animals that have become extinct and the reasons for the same, look at endangered animals. Understand terms like poaching and hunting. Ways of protecting animals
- Investigate countries and cultures-begins to know about their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people. A look at India, China and Japan. Understand culture, food, traditions, clothes, monuments of the three countries
- Media and entertainment- look at different types of media and the role it plays in our lives – The ill effects of media
- Food that we eat- explore healthy and unhealthy eating habits, look at pulses, grains, fruits and vegetables, milk and milk products. Plan a balanced diet
- Our planet earth- understands that earth is a unique planet and part of solar system – Explore space
- Recycle and reduce- look at ways to save our planet. Explore ways to reduce waste and ways to prevent pollution
- Celebrations of festivals and special days
Fine Motor
- Explore and handle tools, objects, construction, malleable materials safely and with a good degree of control
- Manipulates materials to achieve a planned effect
Gross Motor
- Initiate new combinations of movement and gesture in order to express and respond to feelings, ideas and experiences
- Goes backwards and sideways as well as forward while walking
- Fundamentals of throwing, catching, striking, jumping, kicking, and bouncing
- Spatial and directional awareness (right/left) and personal space
- Construct with large materials such as cartons, fabric and planks
- Use increasing control over an object, such as a ball, by touching, pushing, patting, throwing, catching or kicking it
- Begins to understand and play organized games
Health & Hygiene
- Shows understanding of the need for safety when tackling new challenges
- Understand good practices towards maintaining health and hygiene and makes others aware about it too
- Dress and undress independently and manage their own personal hygiene
- Practices some appropriate safety measures (avoids dangerous equipment, material) without direct supervision
- Choose healthy foods from the basic food groups
- Recognize and describe simple patterns in the environment and works of art
- Use symmetry to create balance in a work of art
- Talk about personal intentions, describing what they were trying to do
- Combine different media to create new effects
- Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions
- Use their imagination in art and design, music, dance, imaginative, role-play and stories
- Use tools and processes such as scissors, drawing implements, craft material, glue and brushes with skill and creativity
- Understand that things can be drawn from life as well as from their imagination Music & movement
- Begins to build a repertoire of songs and dances
- Develop a sense of auditory discrimination –sound, beat and melody
- Creates own music and short songs (modify existing songs)
- Has a sense of personal identity
- Developing awareness of own needs, views and feelings, and sensitive to the needs, views and feelings of others
- Understands when need are not immediately met
- Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities
- Shows compliance with social expectations
- Expresses frustration with words, not physically.
- Respect and care for classroom environment and materials
- Begin to understand ’big voice’ and ’little voice’ (when it is appropriate to speak loudly and softly)
- Confident to try new activities, initiate ideas and speak in a familiar group
- Begin to develop respect for their own culture and belief and those of other people
- Forms friendships with other children
- Operates independently within the environment and show confidence in linking up with others for support and guidance
- Begin to develop etiquettes such as politeness, good manners
- Abide by rules and form agreements
Pre-Nursery Syllabus
Pre-Math Concepts
- Begins matching and sorting
- Begins patterning
- Begins sequencing
- One to one correspondence
- Comparisons: Big and small, up and down, over and under, inside and outside, wet and dry, tall and short,
- Begin to explore numbers through stories, songs, games and other activities
- Red , green, yellow
- Circle , square, triangle, rectangle
Listening Skills
- Begins to enjoy short stories
- Begins to follow instructions
- Responds to own name
Speaking Skills
- Begins to show interest in books
- Shows interest in illustrations
Reading Skills
- Begins to show interest in books
- Shows interest in illustrations
Writing skills
- Scribbles spontaneously
- Begins to show interest in the marks they make
- Coloring
Introduction to Letter sounds ( using rhymes and games)
- Exploring rhymes, stories and movement
- Exploring who we are- our body, senses, how we dress up, how we keep ourselves clean
- The rainy season
- Animals -pets
- Creepy crawlies
- Shapes in the environment
- Exploring fruits
- Transport – vehicles on the road, cars, trucks etc.
- Exploring toys- observing everyday toys in the environment
- Celebrating various festivals like Ganesh Chathurti, Diwali, Christmas, Holi, Earth day
Fine motor
- Begins to display eye hand co-ordination
- Begins to roll, pound, squeeze and pull clay
- Begins to fill containers with sand
- Begins to stack blocks one on another or side by side
- Begins to screw and unscrew caps of bottles/pens
- Open and shut lids of boxes
- Turn pages of books
- Turns door handles
- Can pick small objects and put into container
Fine motor
- Can balance themselves on a balancing beam
- Begins to explore a wide range of movements like walk, hop, run, bend, stretch
- Moves spontaneously showing some control and co-ordination
- Engages in physical activities like baby yoga, action rhymes, music & movement
- Travel around, under, over and through outdoor equipment
- Enjoys exploring different textures, colors, material
- Begin to use material creatively
Music and Movement
- Follows simple dance movement
- Responds to rhythm through movement
- Explores simple imaginary play
- Can express basic needs
- Begins to use socially accepted vocabulary-good morning, goodbye, thank you
- Approaches familiar situations with confidence
- Separates from main caregiver with support
- Initiates own play activities and plays alone
- Begins to participate in small and large group situations
- Engages in parallel play
- Takes turns and share with adult support
Nursery Syllabus
Pre-Number Concepts
- Matching and sorting
- Pairing
- Sequencing
- Introduction to seriation
- One to one correspondence
- Rote counting 1-50
- Identify number symbols 1-9
- Associate numbers with quantity 1-9
- Match numbers and objects
- Addition and subtraction through rhymes and games
- up/ down, open/ shut, big and small,tall/short, in/out, more/ less, hot/cold, sweet/salty, clean /dirty, wet/dry, over/under, inside/outside, long/short, fast slow.
- Exploring colors – red, black, yellow, blue, green, brown, purple and orange
- Exploring shapes- circle, triangle, square and oval
- Measure using familiar objects like blocks, spoons, cups
- Days of the week & months of the year through rhymes and games
Listening skills
- Link sounds to letters
- Understand and enjoy short stories
- Listen to and acting on instructions
- Listen attentively and recognize when it is appropriate to speak
Speaking Skills
- Use personal pronouns-I, you, me
- Begin to use simple spoken language to share experiences
- Explore the meaning and sounds of new words
- Narrate short stories
- Joins in reciting rhymes and songs with repetitive language
- Relate objects and pictures to names
Reading Skills
- Recognize letters A-Z and their phonic sounds
- Know that English is read from left to right and top to bottom
- Is able to hold the book correct way up and turn pages
- Show interest in illustrations and characters
Writing Skills
- Begin to write patterns
- Demonstrate interest in the marks they make
- Free hand drawing and scribbling
- Developing fine motor and eye hand coordination
- Tales from around the world
- Exploring seasons and clothes
- Myself and my family
- Exploring animals in the farm
- Water and its uses
- Go green
- Exploring vegetables
- Transport
- Community helpers
- Explore different cultures by celebrating various festivals like Ganesh Chathurti, Diwali, Christmas,Holi
Fine Motor
- Demonstrate a variety of grips
- Displays eye hand co-ordination and increasing small muscle co-ordination
- Play with clay with better hand and finger co-ordination.
- Draws lines.
- Copies circle and imitate strokes like a cross.
- Holds pencil in proper grips and fingers.
- Colors within a large outline, though not neatly.
- Builds tower of 9 blocks.
- Can pick up pins.
- Threads beads with large holes.
- Tears paper at random.
- Pastes paper on large outline.
- Paints with circular movements.
Gross motor
- Begins to use their bodies creatively to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings
- Can balance themselves on a balancing beam
- Explores a wide range of movements like jump, gallop, sway, stretch etc
- Displays increasing control and co-ordination over movements involving arms, hands and fingers
- Travel around, under, over and through a wide range of equipment
- Express and communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings through simple art material
- Explore and create new colors
- Begin to explore material and use it creatively
- Create painting and drawings
Music & Movement
- Sing simple songs with increasingly complex melodies
- Create movement through music and dance
- Involves in imaginary play
- Maintains a beat with body movement
- Works collaboratively on art pieces
- Begins to express needs and feelings
- Maintain attention, concentrate, for a short while
- Independently initiates self – help tasks
- Begins to develop self- confidence and self- control
- Understands simple essential agreements
- Uses socially accepted vocabulary-good morning, goodbye, thank you, please, sorry
- Able to adjust to new routines and unfamiliar situations
- Begins to develop awareness about caring for the environment
- Participate in small group situations
- Treats other with care and respect
- Begins to take turns and share